Getting More From Your Reef Tank Photos : Photoshop Processing Video

Since posting my original Quick Reef Tank Photography Guide, I’ve received quite a few questions about how people can improve their reef tank pictures. In many cases, I’ve found that what’s more important than taking better pictures is properly processing those photos.

This video was made with those people in mind.

This video is roughly 18 minutes long, and is in high-definition (720). The download, though, is quite small (about 22 Megs), so even with a 56k modem (if anyone uses such a thing anymore), it should be manageable.


This version is in WMV format, and is higher quality than the streamed version above.


Two more videos are now available.

The second is the same basic processing as the first video, but much shorter and faster. To download the full resolution video, click here: The video is about 16M.

This video is about adjusting White Balance in Photoshop using a curves adjustment layer. It’s pretty short. To download the full resolution video, click here: The video is about 7M.

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I picked up the 7D along with a Canon 50mm 1.4 two days ago and this camera setup is fantastic! I’m graduating from a G9 (which I liked) but it had serious limitations in low-light, backstage settings. I’m a musician so this is important to me. Anyway, the 7D feels like a rifle compared to the T2i and I plunked-down double the price because for me, it’s worth the extra cash if I can get double the fps and quicker focus while Sheryl Crow gives Elton John a noogie and I’m there to see/shoot it.

I have another few days to decide if I’m going to keep it or exchange it for the T2i but after learning about the cost of lenses, UV filters, memory cards, accessories, it seems like I’m going to be happier I got the best thing for what I’m “shooting” to do. Your feedback is welcome as I certainly wouldn’t mind hearing the other side of the argument.